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    President:: Elisha Chin
    We are volunteers raising funds and awareness for a treatment and ultimately a cure for Huntington disease. While this promising research is ongoing, we try to improve the lives of families affected by HD.

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    Southern Alberta Resource Centre
    Karl Lottes, MA, RSW

    102,  5636 Burbank Crescent SE, Calgary Alberta T2H 1Z6
    Westech Building

    Telephone: 403-532-0609
    Cell: 403-801-3459
    Fax: 403- 532-3952

  • Huntington Society of Canada


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Some links and information provided for your consideration.  As this has not been prepared by a professional, ensure that you check with the responsible agency or your financial advisor to determine if these or other programs are appropriate for you.

Involuntary Separation

If spouses are living apart for reasons beyond their control, there are special rules that apply to the Alberta Seniors Benefit and the Canada Guaranteed Income Supplement.  Due to the increased living costs of separate residences the spouses can be treated as single for the purposes of calculating these income-based benefits.  This can be easy to miss on the forms, so ensure these agencies have the correct information about your situation both at the time of your application and if it changes.


Alberta Aids to Daily Living
The Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) program helps Albertans with a long-term disability, chronic illness or terminal illness to maintain their independence at home, in lodges or group homes by providing financial assistance to buy medical equipment and supplies.

Alberta Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
The AISH program provides financial and health-related assistance to eligible adults with a disability. The disability must be permanent and severely limit a person’s ability to earn a living.

Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP)
The Alberta Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP) is a program available to eligible wheelchair users to modify their home to be more wheelchair accessible. Applicants can apply for a RAMP grant for up to $5,000.

Special Needs Assistance for Seniors (Alberta Seniors and Community Supports)
The program is available to help seniors with the cost of appliances, minor home repairs and some medical costs. Only one-time extraordinary expenses are funded. The program provides a lump-sum cash payment to eligible low-income seniors. The maximum assistance available is $5,000 in a benefit year.


Canada Pension Plan

Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefit
The CPP Disability Benefit is available to people who have made enough contributions to the CPP, and whose disability prevents them from working at any job on a regular basis.  The CPP legislation defines “disability” as a condition, physical and/or mental, that is “severe and prolonged”. “Severe” means that you have a mental or physical disability that regularly stops you from doing any type of work (full-time, part-time or seasonal). “Prolonged” means your disability is likely to be long term, or is likely to result in your death.

Employment Insurance

Employment Insurance Compassionate Care Benefits
EI provides Compassionate Care Benefits to persons who have to be away from work temporarily to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill with a significant risk of death.

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program
The RRAP for Persons with Disabilities provides assistance to low-income homeowners who require modifications to improve accessibility.

Most modifications that make it easier for the occupant with disabilities to live independently are eligible for funding. Items that are eligible include a ramp, chair lift, bathtub lift or wheel-in shower, suitable height adjustments to kitchen work space and cupboards, widening doorways, grab bars and rails, special modifications for the visually and hearing impaired, and modifications for environmental sensitivities. The loan amount depends on household income and the cost of the modifications.

The maximum loan available is $18,000. Depending on income, up to $12,000 may be forgivable. Funds are also available for major home repairs and to owners of rental units undertaking repairs or modifications for low-income tenants.

Home Adaptations for Seniors’ Independence
HASI provides forgivable loans of up to $2,500 to assist with minor adaptations of a home owned by seniors with age-related difficulties. The forgivable loan is provided only to people 65 years or older whose household income is less than the income threshold established for the area. Funds are also available to owners of rental units.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

Canada Student Loans Program – Permanent Disability Benefit
The Permanent Disability Benefit (PDB) allows for the forgiveness of Canada Student Loans for persons who have a permanent disability and are experiencing hardship repaying their loans due to their disability.

Canada Revenue Agency

Canada Revenue Agency – Tax information for persons with a disability.
Through the tax system, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers a range of benefits and credits for persons with a disability or those who are caring for a dependant with a disability.

The Federal Excise Gasoline Tax Refund Program

The Federal Excise Gasoline Tax Refund Program refunds a portion of the federal excise tax on gasoline bought for use by eligible persons or organizations.  Individuals must be certified by a medical practitioner that you cannot safely use public transportation.

The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) helps Canadians with disabilities and their families save for the future. If you are a Canadian resident under age 60 and are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (Disability Amount), you are eligible for an RDSP. Earnings accumulate tax-free, until you take money out of your RDSP. Parents or guardians may open an RDSP for a minor. With written permission from the holder, anyone can contribute to the RDSP.

The Canada Disability Savings Bond is money that the Government will deposit into the Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) of low-income and modest-income Canadians. If you qualify for the bond, you will receive up to $1,000 a year depending on your family income. There is a limit of $20,000 over your lifetime. Bonds are paid into the RDSP until the year you turn 49 years old.  You do not need to make any contributions to your RDSP in order to receive the bond.  However, you must apply for the bond at the Financial Organization where you have your RDSP.

The Canada Disability Savings Grant is a matching grant that the Government will deposit into your Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) to help you save. The Government provides matching grants of up to 300%, depending on the amount contributed and the Beneficiary’s Family Income. The maximum grant is $3,500 each year, with a limit of $70,000 over your lifetime. Grants are paid into the RDSP until the year you turn 49 years old.

First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit
If you are a person with a disability or are buying a house for a related person with a disability, you do not have to be a first-time home buyer. However, the home must be acquired to enable the person with the disability to live in a more accessible dwelling or in an environment better suited to the personal needs and care of that person.

Caregiver Amount
You may be able to claim the Caregiver Amount on your Canadian income tax return.

Eligible Medical Expenses for Income Tax Purposes
Many costs related to care and housing modifications may qualify as Eligible Medical Expenses by Canada Revenue Agency.  Check with Canada Revenue Agency or an accountant to be sure what criteria (prescription, receipts, type of expense) needs to be met.  Some expenses which may be worthwhile tracking and investigating:

  • ambulance fees
  • attendant care
  • bathroom aids
  • care in an institution
  • dental, orthodontic, dentures
  • moving to housing that is more accessible or in which the person is more mobile or functional.
  • home care services
  • hospital
  • in vitro fertilization
  • incontinence products
  • laboratory or diagnostic fees
  • licenced private hospital
  • medical devices, equipment and supplies
  • medical practitioner
  • medications
  • nursing home
  • private health insurance premiums
  • rehabilitative therapy
  • renovations to accommodate a disability
  • respite care
  • symbol boards for communication
  • therapy prescribed by a doctor, psychologist or occupational therapist
  • training to learn to care for a relative who is a member of your household
  • travel expenses to medical treatment not available locally
  • vision care
  • walking aids
  • wheelchair and wheelchair carrier